The starting point of all achievement

If you are anything like me, you have big goals and dreams. And that’s great. But have you ever thought where your goals came from? I mean, of course, we are free to choose whatever we want to accomplish but often times we are not fully aware of why we decided to achieve certain things in the first place.

Today I’m talking about desire. I shot this video in September during my trip to Machu Picchu.

Machu Picchu Achievement

I was shooting this video at 15 000 feet above the sea level. You can see for yourself what a delightful blend of a commitment to deliver and altitude sickness looks like.

Yes, Peruvian Andes are breathtaking! Sometimes quite literally…

Salkantay Mountain Achievement

But let’s get back to the desire.

Are your desires authentic? Is this what you truly want? Or are they dictated by trends and fashion? Or, perhaps, by your parents and friends? Or, maybe, circumstances?

In his famous book “Think and Grow Rich”, Napoleon Hill teaches that “the starting point of all achievement is desire”.

It is essential for success. Whether we are talking about career achievement or success in your personal life – everything starts with desire. Now, desire alone is not going to translate into the life of your dreams but it is crucial to know what you want before you embark on the journey of stepping into your power and creating a life that you love.

So, if you are clear on what it is you want to do, then I’d encourage you to go ahead and do it. Try, give it a shot. You can always come back to doing the thing you’re doing right now.

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