Happy thanksgiving

Here in the US, we are celebrating Thanksgiving today. So I’m writing to say THANK YOU.

Thank you for welcoming me into your life

Thank you for seeking passionately

Thank you for reading my articles

Thank you for your commitment to grow

Thank you for being a loyal member of the community

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas in the comments

Thank you for learning new things

Thank you for passing on that knowledge

Thank you for opening yourself up to the possibilities

Thank you for doing your best

Thank you for being …

I could go on and on because my heart is overflowing with joy and gratitude when I think of what’s possible because of you and the platform where we all connect.

It’s because of you that I get to do what I love, to share my message, to sing my song, and be heard, understood, and even accompanied. You are my support, my inspiration, my music. And for that, I thank you.

With joy and gratitude,


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