This whole site and my body of work is dedicated to the Warriors – those brave individuals who gathered the courage to face their demons, to overcome the doubts and obstacles, to commit to figuring their sh💩t out and take charge of their life.

I see you. And I want you to know that the whole Universe is on your side. There hasn’t been a time in history when living your dream would be as possible as it is today. 

Largely, that’s due to the invention of the Internet and how it’s changed the way we work. With the growth of social media and e-commerce over the past decade, we are witnessing the birth of new opportunities to contribute to the world and make a fantastic living while doing it. I focus a great deal on those very topics in my blog, read up and find the answers to your most burning questions. You can learn how to find your passion, how to make money online and travel the world, check out fascinating books to read and enrich your life, learn to create healthy habits and make the most out of your talents.

If I had to cut to the chase, I’d say this is how you live a meaningful and inspired life: figure out your passion and focus your efforts on aligning your personality with your big vision. Do not ever try to suppress your calling nor run away from it. Instead, embrace it with all of your heart and do everything you can to make sure you master your chosen domain and bring to fruition the bold vision for your life. This is what you should strive towards if you want to create success on your terms.



Hey! I’m Peter Nasonov and I’m the founder of this website.

The short version of “About me” goes like this: born and raised in Russia, moved to the US in 2009, been living in New York ever since. Tried becoming an opera superstar (you read it right) but gradually shifted into personal growth and online business. After building and managing client’s sites for several years, I decided to build my own site to share the journey of rediscovering myself, connecting to my deep desires, growing an online business and building the life of my dreams. That, in a nutshell, is what I’m doing here.

Not enough? Alright then.

If you’re curious to know more, here’s an elaborate story with a few pivotal moments that got me to where I am now.

You can probably tell that I’m very passionate about my work. But that hasn’t always been the case. There were times when I couldn’t roll out of bed in the morning to go to work. I remember dreading Mondays and now it’s my favorite day of the week because it represents a new beginning, a chance to be better and to do better. 

I’ll start with a backstory. Let’s travel in time to my childhood. That was a hell of a happy time, for the most part 😉

When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a pilot. Despite most of my friends wanted to become doctors and save lives, I never questioned my dream nor did I think it was somehow smaller than other kid’s dreams. I just remember “flying” around the apartment holding a toy plane in my hand and being the happiest kid in the world.

Years later, when it was time to go study at the university and choose my future profession, guess what happened? I went to study… economics! That’s right, the childhood dreams were abandoned and I went onto pursuing a profession that’d “always provide me with bread and butter”, as my father put it.

And he was right. While still being a student, I got a bank job and became financially independent. There was only one little problem: after a few months of working in cubicle nation my days got monotonous, I stopped learning new things and often felt bored. It became evident that the work that was keeping me busy was not my life’s work.

I started wondering if there was more to life. I was dreaming about doing something special, something that I’d wholeheartedly love, something that I was born to do and be outrageously successful at it. I knew there were people for whom that was the reality but didn’t know what my special thing was and how to create the life of my dreams. At one point – I remember being so confused – I wasn’t even sure what my dream life was, I simply couldn’t tell. I was deaf to my desires

If you’ve ever felt like that, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

So many people out there are trying to figure out what it is they want to do with their life. And I get it, it’s no easy task: it took me years to realize that a passionate life is about authenticity. And my authenticity was hidden under the layers of social conditioning. I was raised to believe certain things and my imagination was limited to that paradigm.

It is only when I moved to the US that I allowed myself to fully explore my talents. I finally tried pursuing singing full-time and within just 3 months I got on stage and sang my first concert. I was shaking, forgot half of the lyrics and felt completely out of breath halfway through the first song. But I pulled myself together during the intermission and got back on stage to continue the concert.

Did I sound like a bird? Was I any good at all? Those were the least of my concerns. What mattered was that I got my butt on stage and did what I believed I was born to do. Needless to say how elated I felt for the rest of the day. And then exhausted. I totally had an adrenaline drain. 

A few years into my singing career I got into an accident – I’ll probably tell the details of that story sometime in the future. But that was a pivotal point that had set off a domino effect leading me to a class full of people all doing the same: connecting to their hearts and learning to take full responsibility for the results their your lives.

It was my first – and one of many – personal growth training that changed the trajectory of my life. It was then when I was able to reconcile with the new reality of not being a singer. I started the process of disidentification from some of my deepest believes and tried seeing myself as more than just a singer.

Years later, this self-discovery process led me to creating my first online business. And miserably failing at it! Then I started another one that was brining money but wasn’t too fulfilling. Finally, the third time was a charm. You are reading that “charm” right now 😉 Yes, this is it – the website where I share my journey, the lessons I’ve learned and the wisdom I’ve acquired. It gives me a sense of deep joy and connection to my true self and to humanity as a whole.

Wondering if you’re there yet? Perhaps you are. Sometimes it happens that we can be exactly where we need to be but the insidious shade of comparison keeps us in the darkness and makes us feel like the sun is on the other side.

An easy way to shake off your doubts is to ask yourself a question: what would I do if I had all of my financial needs taken care of? Or if I won a billion dollars in a lottery? Just imagine the number big enough to not make it an issue or into a deciding factor.

When I thought about my daily routine, I realized that I’d keep it the same. There are minor tweaks we can all make to improve certain aspects of our lives but, generally speaking, I’d keep doing exactly what I’m doing now – sharing my knowledge and helping folks like you realize their full potential and create success on their terms. That’s how I know I’m in the right place.

I can divide my journey into two distinct parts: before living an authentic life and after. After is better.

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